Tuesday, June 3, 2008

There is hope

I just want to thank Mec for sharing me this story. I was like crying while reading her post. and as I've told her I was overwhelmed with hope and faith renewed that if God wants it then He can by all means defy whatever the science and the doctors of medicine are telling us.

Another reason of this new found hope, Mari, a good blogger friend who is also TTC is pregnant now, Isn't that enough reason to rejoice and be glad and hope that our own bundle of joy is also coming soon. I trust the Lord who is mighty to save and who is able to do things immeasurably more than I can ask or imagine.


  1. yes sis, don't lose hope :) we stopped the work out but it ended well.
    i am always including you in our prayers.
    as i always say, keep the faith.

  2. There is really hope, sis! God is good.There is nothing impossible for him. I'll be praying for you. Take care.


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!