Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thankful Thursday

1 Thessalonians 5:18 Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God's will in Christ Jesus that you do. this. GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)

It say's up there that whatever happens give thanks, so not only on good things but in not so good as well, for in everything there is a purpose.
For my list this week ;

- I am thankful for the out of town trip last Saturday, we had a wonderful lunch and I absolutely love it!

- I am thankful for friends who were used by God to treat us. thanks J-mie and Vhon! I've been longing to eat there and God answered it.

- I am thankful for heavy rains this week, it damaged the tent in our worship place but still Thank you lord for the rains.

- I am thankful for the discipleship series every Wednesday, last night I learned and understood a lot about the church structure.

- I am thankful for the sickness (sore ears, tonsilitis ) I am having right now, because when I'm weak you make me strong.

Have a blessed thankful thursday everyone! See who joined us


  1. A lovely thankful post!

    Remain blessed!

  2. Such an awesome thankful post, be blessed.

  3. We sometimes don't realize that there are many hidden blessings in things we think are a bother and to be thankful for the seemingly "little" things in our everyday life.

  4. I love your are really giving thanks in all things and that is not easy to do at all. God bless you.


  5. This line really stood out to me:

    "I am thankful for the sickness (sore ears, tonsilitis ) I am having right now, because when I'm weak you make me strong."

    Isn't that the truth?!! In our weakness, He gets to reveal His strength. It makes us more dependent on Him doesn't it? It's a good place to be.


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!