Monday, December 8, 2008

And welcome to the world

Liah Jane Moceros Leoncio

Born : December 2, 2008

I wish I could hug you now and cuddle you but since you are thousand miles away, let me just hug and kiss you in my dreams. I love you even now and I promise to be your very good Tita naning. I'm sure Mommy Jie and Daddy Lester will take really good care of you. God bless you!


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    Hazel Jones

  2. What a precious little one. Congrats to the parents and the proud Tita of course....

    Hopped and dropped here Rocks...


  3. Hello fellow n@wie and pinay blogger. This baby is so adorable. Mine is 10 months now and I miss the infant in her. :)

  4. Beautiful picture of kid.


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!