Monday, February 9, 2009

Twa's my birthday!!!

5 more hours to go and we're off to Macau. So I'm leaving you a post because I don't know when I'll be able to go online during the conference.

It was my birthday yesterday and there was nothing grand in it but God showed me how faithful HE is to me all this years.

First , He has given me parents that supports me all the way in all my decisions and endeavors. I am grateful that they understood the life I have chosen with the Lord. The very recent was when we are raising funds for the trip, my Father offered us money though I didn't ask for it. Not all are blessed with such wonderful set of parents and yes even my sisters supported us in anyway they can. God loves me so much so He blessed me with such a family.

Second, I am thankful for the friends who never forgets me. I am so much thankful for Michelle my cousin-friend who is like a sister to me. I have lots of good friends online and in real life. therefore I AM BLESSED.

and of course I AM BLESSED with a wonderful, loving and kind HUSBAND. I know I can be a good source of headache sometimes but he is just there always trying his best to understand me.

So, was it a happy birthday? yes..its a good one, no big celebrations but I have big BLESSINGS.

To GOD be all the glory!!


  1. happy birthday sis :) i hope you enjoy your hk-macau trip.

    you are truly blessed :) and will be continually blessed.

    stay happy!

  2. Belated Happy Birthday to a fellow Februarian! And have a happy trip! ;o)

  3. Hi Rocks,

    happy Birthday. I wish you more and more blessings so you'll continue to be a blessing to others.

    take care and have an enjoyable trip to Macau.


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!