Monday, August 16, 2010's been a week?

I realized I haven’t updated this blog for almost a week now. Probably it’s because I am trying to limit myself off the PC now a days. I noticed that I’ve been spending long hours over the net and I know I have to change otherwise, my sleeping habits will not be normal as before.

So far I’m trying to at least have 6 hours of sleep every night. Better compared to what I have been having for the past few months and weeks.

And because I tried to stay away of the computer during evenings, I have finally finished a new project. It’s good to work with your hands on craft sometimes. I made towel lollies for a friend’s baby shower and I’m gonna post how I made it with pictures here, so watch out for it!


  1. wow, towel lollies, thats great, have you tried the cake towels

  2. zh3en22 , not yet but I will try that soon :)towel cakes sounds so good too!


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