Saturday, March 31, 2012

Random Post

and random thoughts at 2:45 AM

* dear husband has just finish the laundry (small stuff though)

* we have yet to pack our bags for a four day out of town trip (Youth Camp)

* I've been ignoring my upper back pain since middle of March and I think it's getting worse everyday :( anyone wants to give me free massage or spa? or maybe a "hilot" when we go home in the province next week.

* I also want a manicure/pedicure and a hair cut. And i know I don't need it.I just want it.

* Just like how I am wanting  a laptop, a kindle or a bb playbook.

* It's  Saturday tomorrow but I am coming to office (to finish everything before I vanish for 10 days!!) wow that's long..I'm gonna miss you office...hehehe!

* I know it'll be 10 days but I won't be resting for 10 days ..and won't be in a vacation mode till the 5th of April.

Sorry for the randomness :( Good night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I can relate about the haircut and the pedicure and manicure. Hubby did good on the laundry.

    Have a terrific day. :)


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!