Monday, April 30, 2012

April ends

And we're on to 5th month of the year already. I knew what I'll say next.."time flies so fast" ..because it really is. We're done with the first quarter of the year. So much have happened and I'm bracing my heart for the many upcoming events in our life (testing and trials included)

 Just to make a wrap up of our first quarter...
 January- celebrated my Father's 75th birthday 
February - Rudolf left his not so old day job, he worked for 5 months.
               - my first ever surprise birthday party, one I will never forget in this lifetime.
 March - worship events with Selah Band -CEBU trip
 April - Youth Camp, The Jesus Festival, holy week vacation in my hometown

 I don't want to say we were busy but it was actually a full quarter.

And no baby news yet, as usual, I hoped and I prayed but to no avail, well..I am still hoping and I am still praying and whatever the outcome is we will still trust the Lord.After all, there is still May, June,July and if not this year, 2013 is yet to come as wells as 2014 :) We will wait even how long it takes.

Anyways, that's how our first quarter was, how was yours?

1 comment:

  1. It's been a busy first quarter for us too. I hope it will slow down some, but I doubt it.

    Have a terrific day and I'm praying that a baby is in the picture in the very near future. :)


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!