Monday, July 1, 2013

Great Sunday :) Great God!

yes, it was a great Sunday yesterday-for the first time since my Dad passed away. I'm slowly coping up. Thank God for my husband's help and for the unconditional love he is giving me.

taken at the church yesterday
I didn't have any plans of going to church that morning but I was glad I did :) I was blessed. After church, we had lunch at a Japanese fastfood style restaurant (which I will blog later). It' our first time here and it was nice, we went home full and satisfied.

At home, we watched again "Red tails" a movie about negro pilots -very inspiring movie, we watched with our brand new TV. Yey!!! so thankful talaga for the new blessing! My husband sensed my longing for a new TV since our old tv was broken, I didn't expect a nice tv like this but I am thankful he decided to get this one :) It's big and it is LED. It's installment though but it' s okay because we got it on easy payment scheme.

I came also to watch husband play basketball together with the husbands of the church, someone treated us for a yummy dinner also.Pizza, chicken, salad and banana split for desserts :)

Thank you Lord for everything!! You are indeed a great God!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad things are getting better for you. You have a great husband indeed.

    Have a blessed week my friend. :)


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!