Friday, November 22, 2013

7 years 7 months

MARRIED to the man God has specifically chosen for me :)

It was not an all smooth easy marriage, like everyone else, we have some serious fights also, arguments from time to time but I think that makes our marriage even more stronger.

But I know also that I am super blessed with Rudolf. His love is very assuring and I have never felt so loved before. There are times I think I am not reciprocating the same love he is giving me eh because his love is so selfless, so forgiving, so humble, so kind. I don't think I am like that.

I am trying my best though to be a very good, supportive and loving wife to him, cheering him on when he is in despair, assuring him when he is in doubt, but still I cannot compare that to the many things he is doing for me.

And I thank the Lord so much for blessing me, for giving me that kind of gift.  I hope we will have more 7 years and 7 months to celebrate. 


  1. You are young with much life ahead of you. You are probably being too hard on yourself. I'm sure you are a wonderful wife. You sure are a very nice person.

    Have a terrific day. ♥♥♥

  2. I agree with Sandee and I am sure your hubby does too ;-)

    Have a good week and thank yo for your visits ;-)


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!