Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My new header

Did you notice the changes in this home of mine? I'm still not that very satisfied but this will do for now. I am specially happy for the header I made :) and the quote. The pictures here were taken years ago but as you can see, those were one of my favorite photos of us thus it deserves to be there plus it shows our current state now..happy and free :)


  1. I like it, but it's too small. I have a program that can do all kinds of cool stuff and make it the size of your header. I would need the pictures and the font you're using, but I think I could make it a little better and bigger.

    My email address is: mycomedyplus@att.net Be happy to mess with it for you.

    Have a fabulous day my friend. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you soooo much Sandee! that's actually my problem..don't know how to make it the size of my header :) emailing you now!!!


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!