Friday, November 11, 2011

Going Organic

I am ordering several human heart nature products online. I intend to give it as gifts to some of our godchildren. I always thought that organic and natural products are more expensive than the regular ones (loaded with different chemicals) but surprisingly I found one brand that is not at all expensive.

I'm ordering shampoo and conditioner for me too. I'm going organic :) and natural.

I also want the argan oil for skin which from what I read is anti wrinkle, anti oxidant and makes skin supple and soft. I hope I'll win the give away contest I just joined a while ago :)

let's all go organic and help our mother Earth!


  1. Way cool. You are already ahead of the curve for the holidays.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. Same here, it was only about three months ago that I started using organic shampoo and soap - mine is made by GIGA.

  3. It's a good thing to go organic. There are some brands that are not all that expensive too. Good for you.

    Have a terrific day Rocks. :)


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!