Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcome 2013

With a GOOD NEWS :)

Yes, you read it right, we welcomed the new year with a good news from my Tatay's doctor. We got the biopsy and other lab results last week of 2012, my sisters went to his doctor to hear what is written in that many pieces of paper and I think they only understood one thing... that they "ruled out malignancy". The test showed that it is not cancer. Three doctors read the result and they concluded the same.  Praise the Lord!!!!

To say that I am very happy is understated. I can't explain how I felt, we were all crying because of the relief. You see, we were told that the possibility of it being cancer is so high and that we only need to confirm it through the biopsy, but prayers are always powerful and our God is always able.

Next week we are scheduled to hear another Doctors opinion (that's gonna be 4th reading/opinion) but I'm not worried anymore.

My father still has difficulty breathing and is still on lots of medications but we're all positive now that soon he'll be much better. :)

 me, my husband and my Tatay on New Year's eve

So yes, we welcomed 2013 with a cheerful heart and we celebrated. we thanked God and we will forever be thankful for answering our prayers.

I would like to extend also my thank yous to all those who prayed for my father and for us. I want you to know that it is very much appreciated.

Happy new year everyone and may we all have a wonderful year ahead!!!


  1. What wonderful news indeed. Prayer is a powerful thing isn't it. You know you might want to have a doctor look at all the medication he's taking. Sometimes some medications don't go well with others. I've seen a lot of issues with folks on lots of medication. Just a thought.

    Have a terrific day and a blessed 2013 my friend. :)

  2. Praise God indeed! He is a God who Heals! This is good news, im so happy for you and your family, rocks. Blessings!

  3. Praise God indeed! He is a God who heals! Im so happy for you and your family, rocks. Dininig ng Panginoon ang panalangin nyo! God bless you more!


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!