Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekend Randomness

My Nanay, my only brother, my sister and her entire family are coming back home tonight from a trip to my Broher in law's home town, province of Aklan.They had an overnight trip to BORACAY and I'm so jealous :( hahaha!! If not for the camp, we would have joined them but  because I have limited "leave of absence" and well, money, we regretfully declined  the invitation. But I am happy for all of them, specially for my Mom-it's her first airplane ride at the age of 75. :) Grateful that she's physically strong enough to travel and enjoy life.


We enjoyed our anniversary dinner in "Vikings" :)  They sang a love song for us and gave this small cake with greetings, normally they would do that for a birthday celebrant but when they learned that it was our anniversary, they happily obliged ;)

With the vikings traditional hat


After almost two years of having housemates (a.k.a in-laws) there's just the two of us again in our small house. It was a relief also, as much as I love having them, I don't think it is healthy for all of us to be living together. I'm just happy that we're good and we are all in good terms.



  1. I'm so happy you had a great anniversary. Next Wednesday is our 15th anniversary.

    Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

    1. We sure had fun Sandee!! advance happy 15th anniversary to you also :) I know you'll have a great day my dear!!


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