Thursday, July 23, 2015

Kuala Lumpur Trip

yes, we're back from our trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, it's our first time there and we enjoyed the food and the people. We attended a  conference for three days and we had a day city tour. It was an experience I will never forget :)

I am grateful that we are given the chance to come to this conference.Grateful for the provision and for the people we met.

Here are some of our pictures. Enjoy!

@ Malaysia Tourism Council, besides the Cocoa boutique/factory.

This was at the Indepence Square

Making funny faces at the King's Palace

Hotel lobby-tired and yet happy

With us is the founder of "The Fellowship International" Pastor Don Leavell from Corpus Christi, Texas

Some of  the TFI delegated from the Philippines

At the conference venue, it's huge! more or less 2000 people, 20 nations represented.


  1. I'm so happy you had a wonderful time my friend. You and hubby are such a cute couple. You really are.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥♥♥

    1. Thanks Sandee! W really had a wonderful time.


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