Monday, June 1, 2015

Happy Monday!

Starting the day right. It’s Monday, new day of the week and it is but right to start happy and positive
I need to do this or else I’ll be overwhelmed with work in the office and it would be easy to get depressed and tired which I don’t like at all.

Anyways, this week starts a new challenge in terms of work. I just hope and pray I will be able to deliver of what is expected of me.

My weekend was spent with the husband and my side of the family, this not so little girl anymore celebrated her 13th birthday last Sunday and she had her first Starbucks coffee too. I just want her to experience it because that coffee is too expensive for us (we are not rich that’s why). She’s happy that at least she was able to try it.

Speaking of my family side, my Mom is here again in the city with us and just three days after her arrival, she is asking me again when I will bring her home in the province. She is really not comfortable here and much as we want to we can’t let her be alone in that old house of ours.  First, the house needs complete renovation, the roof is leaking, and some of the wood pillars and flooring upstairs are not safe anymore because of termites. I have long been praying and hoping that we’ll be able to do the renovation soon so Mom can see it, for sure she’ll be happy about it.

Anyways, searching for pest control brought me here, and because I am not in the US maybe those who read my blog from there can benefit, check this  Orlando critter control they specialized in nuisance animal removal . Cool no? here in my part of the world, you only hire pest control and that’s it, if it’s  wild animals I don’t know, in the province some people will just get it and make it their pet. Dead animal removal, pest animal damage repair, they can do it all.

Ok, going back, pest control is not an option for our old family house anymore. Renovation is the solution and MIRACLE because where will we get the money for that?

Maybe, if I work and work and work and work even more.  Hopefully, a blessing will come and my dream of renovating it for my Mother’s comfort will become a reality.

Well, this has been a long post. Thank you for at least getting this far.  Happy Monday everyone and enjoy the rest of the week!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you can get the money you need to fix moms house. That would be most wonderful.

    I also hope you'll be able to successfully do the new work at the office. I'm sure you'll be just fine.

    The not so little girl is a beauty too. Tell her I said so.

    Have a blessed day and week my friend. ♥♥♥


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!