Tuesday, April 10, 2012

back to normal routine

Hello everyone!

I'm finally back to my normal routine (that means my daily office boring routine) but the good thing is I'm back to regular blogging :) I missed 3 opportunities when I was away but never mind, I know God will replace it with more better and bigger writing tasks :D

I remember saying in my last post that I'll be resting right? sure I did! My mom actually said that everytime I go home all I do is sleep and eat (well, at least this time I planned something else but sorry my tired body can't be too inspired to do anything in the house- so yup..none of what I said in my DIY inspired post has taken place- NONE YET. But I am still hopeful I can do it before the year ends.)

It's our wedding anniversary month :) and I still don't have anything planned :( I really do not know if we can celebrate (even in the simplest celebration I know) because with the recent trips we had, our budget is drained and nada..zero balance :(

We are turning 6 already, how time flies :) and with or without celebration..I am thankful  for the blissful 6 years of married life and for the many years to come.

Anyways, I'll see you all around..I'm dropping ec's and will be commenting from blogs I missed..Have a good day people!


  1. get a cupcake (choco is good), put a candle on top and blow it together. don't forget to take a photo. it's simple but as long as you're together, that's what matters most.

    happy anniversary!

  2. Welcome home and being back to normal.

    I wish I was closer and could surprise you with something for your anniversary. Just saying.

    Have a terrific day. :)


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!