Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday Thoughts

My Father is now okay, not really good but he's okay. We rushed to the province last Sunday afternoon because of a series of phone calls from him, from my Nanay and from our neighbor over the weekend. They all said we need to bring him to the nearest hospital as he was having attacks ( he had hard time breathing, can't speak and lost his senses) We still didn't know what causes it because we are still undergoing LOTS of tests right now, we hope to know later today or tomorrow.

I was scared and was in a state of shock last Sunday. I was crying and my thoughts went too far (morbid thoughts came in and I cried even more)

I feel a lot better now (except that we are hurting financially again) because of the emergency that happened.

 And I think I lost the "Christmas energy" I had  before, all I want now is my Father to become really well and that's it. I don't even want Christmas parties now.And I don't think I will be able to complete my gift list.

I'm thankful though for all the people that really care, for all the prayers that sent our way during that time.

and oh..hello December ( sorry that this first post for December is a sad one) I hope you are having a good December and that you are enjoying the Christmas spirit in your part of the world.


  1. Take care of your father Rocks. He's more important than Christmas. You only get one father.

    Sending healing prayers to your father, mother and you and hubby. :)

  2. I hope your Dad gets well really soon Rocks!

  3. Dear Rocks,
    I understand what you are going through now. I have experienced that with my tatay 5 years ago.

    Sending love and prayers your way.

  4. Dez and Pearl, Thank you, your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.

  5. I really feel for your dad mum you and your family, I hope he gets sorted and back to normal very soon.

    I agree with Sandee Christmas doesn't really matter under these circumstances, just think when hes recovered you can celebrate with a late Christmas which will be even better.

    Best wishes for your dad mum you and your family

  6. Rocks, how's your father?
    POst a picture of your tree, please! I want to see it:-)
    Love to you!


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!