Thursday, September 19, 2013

ZEN type houses

My husband and I both like this  type of house, and we are dreaming and hoping that we will have one someday, smaller version of course because we only have small lot. I know even small one of this kind would cost like a million pesos. Sigh. At the rate of our salary/income now, we wouldn't be able to build this even if we save for the next five years. But I was told to dream big dreams :)so yes, we are dreaming and we are hoping.
this one I grabbed from

this one is from (they have plenty of Zen type house designs) I am actually tempted to inquire for their prices but I stopped myself..not now but maybe I'll get to ask for their quotation someday)
this one from

this one is my favorite because I love the simplicity and the over all look of it. 
(image from


  1. I dream of those too. 'Green' houses sabi nga. All those glasses to let the sun in will lower your electricity bill. Ganda! ;o)

    Btw, Rocks, thank you for praying for us, especially for Jeff. You don't know how much your words mean to me . . . . .

  2. You'll have your dream home someday. Just don't give up on that dream.

    Have a terrific day Rocks. ☺


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!