Wednesday, February 24, 2016


February will soon be over and I only have two posts, but of course that does not mean nothing is going on in my life :) In fact, it is because I only have little time in front of the PC to do personal stuff such as blogging. Anyways, here are some of the happenings this month.

My birthday!! 

We had a simple celebration with the family of my Pastor who happen to have the same birthday with me. We went to a campsite in Batangas and spent the one 2 days/1 night  there. It was such a refreshing time and my husband enjoyed the trees and the peaceful surroundings.

Couples Night

My husband was invited to sing a few songs in a Valentine event of another church, I was invited too :) whether they like it or not! hahaha!. It was such a lovely evening. They had a game wherein we were asked to write a note for each other. We had fun!

My love note for him :)

Tagaytay Wedding

Hetty and Toph got married last February 18-  You can view some of the pictures in my recent blog post.
The husband was asked to sing again and it was very special because he was asked to sing his very own song (original composition) we learned that it was one of the couple's favorite worship song :) 

 Another wedding coming up!

This Sunday, we will have another out of town wedding to attend to, I'll be one of the Principal Sponsor and my husband's band is singing again :) We are honored and humbled by all the invitations.

It was a busy month for me both work and personal, I just hope I can go back to regular posting soon. I miss blog hopping!


  1. I love your note the best. I know you both feel that way.

    I'm glad you're having good things happen in your life.

    Have a fabulous day my friend. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you Sandee! Thank you for always dropping by. It means a lot to me. have a nice day!!


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!