Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Major Changes coming up

And in a week or two I'm gonna make one of the toughest decision I'll ever make in my life. I'm quitting from work and joining my dear husband in the mission field. It is not easy. I've been working since college days and didn't stopped working until now. Not that I will not work totally because I still have my online job but leaving a job which somehow makes you feel secure is really hard.

And I'll admit I'm scared.

What if I don't earn enough online? Where will we get the money to pay our bills? house rent, electricity, water, telephone and all.

I just hope I am making the right decision.


  1. Well, all I can say is that you and your husband talk about it seriously and make plans - like how do we get by every month? The bills, food, everything. Plan a budget. Ask yourselves these questions: How much do we spend on everything every month? How about emergency fund - do we have enough savings to cover emergencies like getting sick, incidental/unplanned expenses, etc?

    I started working after graduating (1994), stopped for a few months after giving birth to Jeff (1998), then worked again until Dec2006. When my husband asked me to quit on Oct2006 (I had a miscarriage), he already had plans on his mind. He asked me how much my monthly budget for everything is and then he said he wanted me to quit. I was on leave the whole month of Nov and when I reported back to work on Dec2006, I gave my resignation letter. Things, especially our finances, went smoothly. I only started working again just this Sept.

    The only thing I can tell you is that I never regret staying home. The experience taught me to slow down and enjoy things in a different point of view.

    Hope your hearts lead you to decision that is best for you ;o)

  2. Good luck sis! that was really a tough decision indeed. ako naman I really wanted to be become a wahm too, but can't really leave my day job too since a fix income is much needed pa. haay. hope all goes well with you! God bless!

  3. here's wishing you the best and good luck!


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!