Monday, December 21, 2009

Sleepless, restless

It’s been a busy weekend. Over busy if I may say, it’s like I only had few hours sleep last Friday and last night and obviously I’m still awake right at this moment typing away while the husband snores beside me, so that means I’m getting few hours of sleep again tonight not because of the snore but because of some assignments I have yet to finish.

Let me give you a preview of how our weekend went.

Saturday- Urban poor kids Christmas party, there were 300 kids that morning so you can just imagine how chaotic that was but it’s worth it, seeing them fall in line for our chocolate fountain and wait patiently for their turn while their eyes grow big in expectant of that yummy chocolate, it’s all worth it.

Saturday afternoon – we joined our church in hospital ministry which I am going to write on another post in our ministry blog.

This morning was our church Christmas party where we usually give gifts to friends and godchildren so I rushed some unwrapped gifts last night. And this afternoon was the Sunday school Christmas party as well. So you see at this point in time I don’t see the need of any weight loss pills or a dip machine because even If there’s plenty of food on parties I know I somehow burn that because I also work non-stop during this season.

Tomorrow I still have to go to office, if my body can. If not I plan to work half day and take some rest in the morning.

Busy month. Very busy month.

1 comment:

  1. Better late than never . . . Merry Christmas! Hope you had a lovely celebration!


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