Saturday, December 19, 2009

What a week!!!

Whew! It's been a busy week! and would still be very busy until Sunday.

Yesterday was IT Philippines Christmas Party,
Today was our office Christmas party, we had a "movie or silver screen" theme and it was quite tiring because the husband and I made the balloons and the stage decor as well, hubs was there in our office the whole day, finishing all the props. I also helped him of course, the props were my idea but I could not do it without him. I can't even move some office furniture to have a bigger working area so I am so glad the husband was there to help and I am also glad they liked it. They should like it after all it's pro bono :)

(the stage that served also as the projector's screen)

Tomorrow, we will be having one kid's party (for our chocolate fondue) and that's 300 kids. I can't imagine how are we going to manage that.

In the afternoon we will go to the "Hospital ministry" of our church. And at 7 pm, we'll have worship team practice for Sunday worship.

Right now, we are still printing t-shirts (doing this while waiting for them to dry) I do not know what time I'll be able to sleep this morning. I let hubs sleep for a while coz I know he's so tired.

Can't w ait for the 24th to come so I can finally have the much awaited vacation.

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