Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How's everyone?

It's been a while since my last post. My two last posts were both sad and I am so happy I have some good news to write today :)

First- my Dad is doing okay, we're done with the lab tests and he started taking his medicines prescribed by his doctor a week ago. We are glad the 2d echo yielded positive results, nothing to worry about his heart :D The meds are for his kidney which is slightly affected due to very high uric acid. Our next is a visit to a dietitian (which my father refuses to go to) and another lab test before the month end. Hopefully he will be given a clean bill of health after that.

I am so happy that despite of the financial set back ( the medicines are expensive I tell you) at least he is okay now and that he really is following the doctor's advice and is very good in his diet. No meat now for him, all fish and veggies.

God is good and we are all grateful.

How's everyone?


  1. I'm so very happy for you and your father.

    Have a terrific day Rocks. :)

  2. Hi Rocks! God is good! It's wonderful to know that your Dad is okay now.


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!