Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mourning and Dancing

Last Saturday, I took my hands off my laptop because I found this book sitting in the boxes somewhere in the house and didn't stop reading until the last page. I remember buying this book probably 9 years ago, I didn't know then that i would be needing and reading it now. God's timing is always perfect no?

I found this very helpful because some of  the words she used are exactly how I was feeling. And it somehow validated my belief that each one grieves differently. I know my sisters are grieving differently or deals with grief differently even we both lost the same Dad.

I cried through the book and at the end I remained hopeful that someday soon, we will all be dancing again :)


  1. I just finished reading The Shack. It's a story about a father who lost his youngest child (a girl) to a killer, how he dealt with all the changes that happened to their family, and how eventually, he got a letter from God inviting him to spend the weekend at, in all places, where the girl's bloody dress was found. The story went on with him spending the weekend with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. A really good read! You'll see a picture of the book in one of my posts.

    Have a great day, my friend ;o)

  2. Everyone does grieve differently. Your way is right for you. I'm glad the book helped and I'm glad God guided you to the book.

    Have a blessed day my friend. ☺


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!