Monday, March 31, 2008

What I did last weekend

Anybody wants to join in writing and completing a story? It’s fun! Visit bunso’s site and it’s there. I am actually entertained reading those few sentences added by the readers. It’s like he started a story and then asked fellow bloggers to write’s far from having it’s the end so you might want to go and add your few words.

We participated in the EARTH HOUR last Saturday night, it’s sad though because when we looked around in our neighborhood, seems it’s only us who participated. Sigh. And I sigh more when I think that not my entire church mate is into the idea of helping our mother earth. I got a chance of promoting it to our Friday meeting and some nodded their head and some I guess are just like “and so what? It’s bound to happen anyway”.

Last Sunday afternoon, we went to Binan, Laguna and attended a child dedication, hubby was chosen as Ninong (Godfather) and though it’s a bit far we obliged ourselves to go. It’s sad though because the parents of the child separated few months after the youngest was born, all 4 kids are in the care of the mom. The father left them for another girl daw. So it moved us to tears yesterday when she went into front to dedicate her only girl and her youngest to God. May the good Lord bless them and provide for them. And I pray for her to be strong and to hold on.

Friday and Saturday night- I watch ROME (series) and the Love comes softly (movie series) again, only this time am with our good friend Grace ..and you bet, I cried again. haha! We haven't finish it yet and we plan to continue it tonight. We were all exhausted last night so we skipped it.


  1. waahhh... sana nagkita tayo :) san pedro lang kami nagstay... i'd love to meet you in person sis :)

    next time :)

  2. Have you ever read the Love Comes Softly series? I own all eight books & they are some of my favorites. =)


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!