Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Recording Session

A dream come true for my husband and his band mates, we are now officially recording all the songs composed by them and hopefully next month or so their first worship album will be released. To say that we are happy is an understatement because we are more than happy. Things just fell into place, a favor from the Lord. They've waited long enough and we know that now is the time of fulfillment of that dream. I am grateful there are people(we barely knew them) but believed so much in the gift of this band.

My husband on acoustic guitar

My brother in law on drums, he was kinda nervous but is doing good, and he has new drum set too! God is really good! Don't know though if he still need to buy Toontrack but he's fine for now :) 

some of his band mates chilling while waiting for their turn :)

1 comment:

  1. Way cool and hopefully you'll post a video of them preforming so we can all enjoy them too.

    Have a terrific day Rocks. :)


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!