Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Back from the camp!

And that means I am also back to work, sad that I have not much time to rest and recharge and no time either to write a long post about that week long camp, anyways, here are some photos; 

We have 168 youth participants from different churches, 200 plus total including the staff. Such a big group. 

 This tent has been our home for 5 days :)
With Rachel, my niece who joined the camp for the first time. She had a great time!

 My husband did a lot at the camp, beside leading the worship most of the time, he also printed 200 plus shirts and helped us  in facilitating the games. I am one blessed wife :)

 With two of  our cutest camp staff :)

 part of the games

But here's what I love about the camp. The love, the acceptance, the healing and restoration.  
To God be all the glory!!


  1. I thought about you off and on last week. I knew you'd have a blessed time and the pictures prove that you did.

    Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs. ♥♥♥

    1. Thank you Sandee!! Indeed we were so blessed :)

  2. Looked like you had tons of fun I'm jealous haha!

    Have a camptastic weekend :-)


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!