Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weekend Coffee

How was your weekend everyone?  I just can't believe how weekends fly so fast no? it's seems only yesterday when we are all uttering "thank God it's Friday" but's Monday again tomorrow, and I know most if not all people who works somehow hates Monday :) but Monday is inevitable and we have to face it whether we like it or not.

But I had a good weekend so far. I had a coffee break and a good chat  with friends with our now favorite coffee shop that is just around the neighborhood. Who wouldn't love a nice coffee shop just around the corner? and not to mention they offer equally good coffee like those of high end coffee shop too!

                                                Sambrew -I'm falling in love with you :) hehe!

 I also bought my self a new pair of shoes for only 200.00! Thank God for a very good Retail System in the country (if that has to do something with my good buy). was your weekend?


  1. and I missed the coffee chat with you guys. :,(

  2. Ya! we missed you too! and Jakey of course :)

  3. then let's schedule something soon... hopefully it doesn't rain that day so I can bring ze kobe bebe with me. :)

  4. I'm sitting on the back of our boat, visiting everyone in my Google Reader. I've had three cups of awesome coffee and we are going to spend one more night on our boat. Life is good.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  5. Sandee- what a wonderful weekend you have!! :) Coffee in a boat sounds so perfect!


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!