Sunday, February 1, 2009

My thoughts - in vitro fertilization

I know I wanted a kid, either a boy or a girl, it does not really matter. But I can only want them. I cannot make them. I mean only God can make that miracle. I am just a vessel so if He wants it I can be a mom and hubby can be a dad whether we like it or not.

But to take things in our own hands, we can not just do that. Just a while ago, hubby and I were talking about the Octuplets that was born last January 29 to a mother who has already six children and all those kids she has were conceive through in vitro fertilization.

Now, we don't have anything against in vitro but to do it when you are still single and to do it more than once. I don't think it's normal. We strongly believe that God wants children to be born in a family with a mom and a dad. So I guess the mom of the woman who gave birth to the octuplets is right- her daughter is obsessed with having kids and I pray I won't be like that. Oh yes, I am praying for a child, we are praying but we still leave it in the hands of the Lord.

I wonder how it is to be a mom to 14 children with no husband around.

Well, to each his own. I’m sure she’ll find ways to raise all those kids but I just hope she’ll be able to raise them as good and responsible citizen of this world.

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