Friday, September 24, 2010

Small business-Online payment

As you all know my dear readers, me and my husband have small part time business that gives us extra earnings from time to time. I am praying that next year, this will not be part time anymore but I am wishing it will be the major source of our income. It is not easy but we are slowly getting there. Printing and party organizing will be our bread and butter soon. I am keeping the faith and my hopes high here.

As I have said it is not easy, but then again, every successful business started from small and they didn’t start with a breeze. For now, we are still struggling with finances and the capital but we are coping up. I am learning and it’s good.

I have now made contact with different suppliers and most of them I’m dealing online, so internet is one major part of the business. And I keep on searching for easy payment solutions when it comes to paying. I prefer paying online because it’s faster and hassle free. There are many online payment mode or banking type now over the net and it is really an advantage to those who have businesses. One supplier I met does not accept online payment so it’s quite hard to order with them because it means I still have to go out and deposit to their bank account. Waste of time I should say but it’s how it goes for them.

Anyways, I really wish for our small business to thrive and grow next year.

1 comment:

Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!