Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Coming home from USA

A friend and her whole family is coming home from the United States for the Christmas season and we can't wait to see them. They are going home before their kids aged 3 and 2 start school next year. They said it would be pretty hard for them to schedule another vacation here once the kids are already in school. We've been talking about it when ever we got the time to skype and she told me that they are seriously considering of moving to another state because of this. She can't seem to find a good public school in their area.

They won't be moving to New York though because if they are, I would ask her to check nyc tutors for her kids as this might be of help to her, according to the site they have surprisingly affordable price. So if you live within the area, you might want to check them.

But I think Florida is where they're going, though they are still praying for it.  I wish them the best. For the meantime, we will be spending lots of good and happy times while they're here. After all it would be a while before we see them again. Or maybe not? Who knows, we might visit them in the US someday and tour New York too!! Okay, I maybe dreaming but there is nothing impossible with God right?

1 comment:

  1. I hope you all have a terrific visit. I'm sure that you will.

    Have a terrific day Rocks. :)


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!