Sunday, November 2, 2008

A blog contest

It's been quite sometime since I joined and actually won in a blog contest, the last one I remember was from sis Mai in which I won $5.

Since Christmas is just around the corner, it seems everyone is being generous and throwing away several contests from their blog. I decided to join mil3tt3's contest this time, I'm never a fan of randomizer but just want to try it this time.

So here are the rules according to her.


This contest is just as simple as 123.

Here are the instruction :

1. Blog about this contest in your blog. This would give you a chance to win $10 paypal money. I will be giving out $10 to three blogs which promoted my contest (NOTE : I am talking about blogs not BLOGGERS). So if you have three blogs and if the RANDOMIZER favors you, who knows all your blogs will hit the top 3 spot and you’ll have the $30 for yourself. Then a consolation prize of 1000EC credits each to blog #4 and blog #5. You can promote this contest the way you want it but please make sure that you put links on my four blogs. Thanks.

Please leave a comment on this post with the url where you posted about the contest. P.S. Please put in your blog name (not your name) in the space for NAME in the comment section. This way it would be a lot easier for me.

2. Add all my blogs in your blogroll (all four blogs) and have the chance to win $5 each for first prize and 500 each for the 2nd and 3rd spot. Note : Each blogs equates to $5. Meaning you can earn as much as $20.

Here are my blogs :

a. dramas of my life - leave a comment here once you have added me in your blogroll.

b. Momiespace - leave a comment here once you have added me in your blogroll.

c. LupuSurvivor - leave a comment here once you have added me in your blogroll

d. BlipBit - leave a comment here once you have added me in your blogroll.

Just a favor for all the participants :

1. Please add your comments in the link provided so that I won’t be confused when its time to draw the winners. Make my life easier since I am a stay at home of an energetic two year old daughter with no nanny and a husband who is working in Kuwait. lol. Have pity on me, will you? hahahah.

2. If you add me to your blogroll before you are still entitled to be part of the $5 draw just leave me a comment on the link provided. I am also requesting all participant to please not removed me on your blogroll once this contest has ended. I, on the other hand will make sure to add you in my blogroll as well and will definitely visit your blog when time permits.

3. Since this is my contest and it’s my money, I have all the rights to reject or deny any participants if I feel that the participant is using some under hand tactics just to win.

4. One comment, one blog. Therefore if you have three participating blog in this contest make sure you also leave three comments.

This contest will run until November 15. Winners will be announced morning of November 16.

So let's wait and see till the 16th of this month If I'm gonna win, for sure I'll blog about it if I win something. Everybody needs extra cash this days because of the gifts to buy, haven't decided anything for our grandchildren yet, I haven't even started making that list. ugh. I think I really have to start now, malls are becoming crowded as Christmas approaches. I'm thinking if I could give my father a hat again this time, you see my dad has a fascination about hats and he collects them, though most of his hats came from me, usually I buy on my trips. I'll see if I can look for one nice hat for him again.


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!