Friday, November 21, 2008


I've been in the blogging world since 2005 but only became active last year. I started to build links and build friendship in the blogging world as well. Now, I can say I have blog friends that even without meeting them in person I can say they are my friends.

And Nancy, I'm so flattered by this. Thank you so much my dear from the bottom of my heart.

She gave me "The real Person" award. Thanks sis.

And thank you also Joanne , Shiela and Jown for the friendship flower.

You are all a sweet blessing in my blogging life.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the visit to my swf. I feel the same way u do. I have only been bloging since sept 08. And there are so many kind thoughtful loving people on line. They warm you hear with words. And bring joy to your day.


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!