Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today’s Thankful Thursday theme is Change.

Change is inevitable, whether we like it or not we have to deal with change at some point in our lives.

Last year, there was a big change in our church that affected me so much and the whole church as well but however painful it was I dealt with it and as a matter of fact still dealing with it. So should I be thankful for it? Definitely YES! That was a major change but we trusted God with it and HE showed us that whatever happens to whom. HE is still GOD and that can never and will NEVER CHANGE.

I thank God that HE continue to mold me through that change, I was hurt but it is for the better, I somehow grew more mature and learned a lot through it.

On other things-

I thank God for the provision for our Praisin’ Kid’s town (ala school fair) activity on Saturday. At first we were worried about the funds we would use but God showed us again that HE IS OUR GREAT PROVIDER. Thank God for the people who helped us, our church mates, the whole team for working so hard, sometimes they work overtime to finish all the stuff we need for the games, yes, all the games such as basketball (the board and the booth), ring toss etc are all DIY.

God is good all the time!

Thankful? Join us here.


  1. the theme is so timely. need some changes here. thank God for chances. God bless! ♥

  2. Beautiful post ... I love when you said...did it hurt? yes...should I be thankful for it...yes, because I learned and matured from it. You have a great TT post here.

    Blessings to you today!!

  3. Yes! God is the same today, tomorrow and forever!!

  4. I so agree: God is sooo good -ALL THE TIME! And he's the greatest provider and healer of all.

    God bless you.

  5. What a lovely post! Yes, God is good all the time! Remain blessed!

  6. Hey Rocks,

    Thanks for stopping by! It's so nice to meet you.

    Hope you have a blessed weekend~

  7. Thank God for enabling you to grow through the changes in your life! You have such a thankful heart and it is encouraging to that you thank God even for difficult time in your life. Praise Him!

    Thanks for giving my site to your church mate who has a teenage daughter with bipolar. I am thankful to God that I can serve Him through my blog. Thank you for all your encouragements! Take care and may God grant you a very blessed weekend!


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!