Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Want a $200 paypal money?

I'm serious, Jake of compounding-dividends is holding a contest in his blog and yep prize at stake is $250.00.

I wish I had known the contest the day it started because you see I love how the contest goes, you can't win by luck meaning you win if you work for it like how Juliana (the first contest I joined) staged her blog contest.

You can visit his blog for the details but hurry because it's ending soon.

Blessings everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Good contest, I signed up myself and saw your link on it - Just an FYI, I'm crossing my 1 year blogiversary myself and giving away $300 in cash and prizes if you want in on that as well! ;)



Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!