Friday, October 17, 2008

Please join us in our prayers

Our Prayer requests :

1. Our fund raising concert - pls. pray for the needs, the venue, the people that will work on this event, the band, the guest singer, the financial provision and please pray also for God's presence and leading about this concert.

2. Please pray for our passports. We will apply probably first week of next month. Pray that every documents we prepared are okay. Please pray for the provision too as this is not included in our budget.

3. In regards to our passport - because we will be needing it come February, we want to attend the Regional conference in Macau and have our very first mission exposure outside the country too. Pray also for God's provision for our Macau trip. Registration is at $210 for each participant excluding food and airfare.

4. My 5 year old nephew will undergo "eye operation", we don't know when but the doctor said it has to be soon or else he'll be blind. My heart was broken when I heard this but I look at this as God's way to show us how powerful and might HE is.

Thank you for praying for us and may the Lord bless you all and keep you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure God will intervene for the success of the concert and operation of your nephew.

    God is good.


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!