Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thankful Thursday

It was a busy day here in the office, I almost forgot to do this, I would feel bad if ever because I have so many things to be thankful for this week :)

And let me start with this week's theme GRACE.

We were talking about it last night in our discipleship, again and again I was overwhelmed by God's abounding grace to mankind and we should be forever thankful to that.

On other stuff;

I'm thankful for God's interference in my job, most of the time I know it's HIM who work for me, Like the US VISA application of one of our talent, I was kinda nervous and unsure if he'll be granted one but Praise God he has his Visa now just in time for the competition.

I am also thankful for me and hubby's maturity when dealing with things we don't both agree. I am so happy that we were able to resolve an issue without being mad with each other.

I am also very much thankful for the gathering of my whole family last Saturday, we were all there in my brother's house for my niece dedication and 1st birthday celebration. Thank God for the love we shared and for the values that our parents instilled in us.

GOD IS SO GOOD!! I know I still have lot's of things in my list but I'm gonna stop now. Otherwise, my readers might get bored :)

Happy thankful Thursday everyone and read more thankful spirits here.


  1. What a grateful, thankful heart you have! Blessings to you this beautiful Thursday!

  2. Looks like we are the dynamic trio posting comments one right after the other today!

    Ok, I just want to add I'm blessed beyond measure with you to have a husband that loves me through it all and works with me good, bad and ugly to resolve things in love!

    In His amazing grace,

  3. Awesome list of things to be thankful for. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  4. I'm so glad you remembered to post! It's always good to give thanks. Have a blessed weekend.

  5. A great list! I hope you have a wonderful & blessed weekend!

  6. That's nice you got to have a family gathering!

    Have a blessed weekend!

  7. amen, sister. God is so good! be blessed. ♥


Thank you for taking time to comment. God bless!!